The key Mindfulness skill: To RESPOND rather than REACT, is serving the successful leaders more than ever before.

Lack of Capacity and Burnout is an international business. Leaders in all these regions complain about the exponential increase in the demand for them to be available and to respond immediately and urgently regarding any stakeholder requests. Gone are the days of “I will get back to you next week”. The new normal is moving in this:
- There are no weekends
- Admin (email etc) starts after hours
- Holidays add to work pressure. I still have to be reachable and when I get back to the office I have a huge backlog. I need a holiday after the first week back at work.

“Unpredictable Unpredictables” are increasing in Europe (African countries are more familiar with this). It is becoming more and more difficult to predict the future. Within 12 months, European Business leader views have changed regarding:
- Business Plans. 5 year plans have become unrealistic
- Change Management Interventions. Its not an intervention anymore. It is an ongoing process. Change is not changing.

European Countries are “bracing themselves” and struggling more than usual by the influence of major crisis in a short period of time. The impact of the following has serious consequences and there is no clear recipe to follow for European countries.
- Brexit
- Refugee crisis
- Global warming
- “TrumpAsian” (Old partnerships are broken and new ones are formed)