by | Feb 6, 2021 | Video Clips

Acknowledgement of this article and interview by Richard Atherton on 17 June 2018. This article appeared on

In this interview, FirstHuman Partner Richard Atherton takes a walk and a tea  with Professor Dave Snowden.

Dave Snowden is the creator of the Cynefin complexity framework. His Harvard Business Review paper on this topic is one of the most downloaded HBR papers of all time. Dave has forged a career through is early non-profit work to becoming a leading thinker in knowledge management at IBM. He went on to found the company Cognitive Edge, a pioneering firm in the field of ‘sense making’ within organisations and in applying complexity science to organisational challenges.

In this in-depth interview, Dave shares the philosophy underpinning his work. He talks through how people can apply his insights to leading and managing organisations. He also responses to claims that he can sometime to be seen as something of a curmudgeon!

If you have further questions on how Dave’s approach can be applied in your organisation, don’t hesitate to get in touch.



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