Survive in Complexity

To be able to lead “self”, others, organisation and difficult situations with savvy in the “New Normal” of radical, exponential change, requires a whole new level of self-mastery and EQ.

‘Survive in complexity’ is an experience designed to

Support leaders in their capacity to become significantly more resilient, resourceful and antifragile even when they feel isolated, threatened, or overwhelmed. This design is embedded in:

  • Complexity theory,
  • Applied Mindfulness
  • Transcontextual opportunity (Connect and Learn with other co-pilots in a similar context)

We aim to be more strategic in preparing people for a new level of work by pro-actively developing skills to deal with complex problems, diverse people issues and ‘pressure cooker’ environments.


Survive in Complexity

The core elements the intervention offers:
  • Making sense of and Understanding Context: The latest feedback and information of an exponentially changing world of work
  • Managing Capacity: Mindfulness experiences and understanding how this applies to cultivate quality decision making, even if confusion and disorder are part of everyday life.
  • Meaningful Connection with Others: Contextual mutual learning through interaction and connection with other people outside of your team / org / market. (Symmathesy)
  • Move slower: Opportunity to slow down / pause / reflect and replenish.
More Details

4 x 3-hour session. Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Following Monday. 17h00-20h00 (GMT+2)
Greet and connect from 16h45. More questions and chat 20h00-20h15
Zoom Platform. “Camera on option” should be available for certain processes. Zoom link as per registration.

Fee per person = R 4 500 (VAT Ex)/ Euro 270 / Pound Sterling 220 / US $ 320

If you need more information regarding the intervention:
Company tailored offering (Complexity and or Mindfulness):
Any registration payment and or invoice information request: Christel van Zyl