“WHAT we pay attention to and HOW we pay attention to it, shapes our inner world and, over time, our brains and our whole REALITY.”
– The Mindfulness Initiative
If you‘re teaching today what you were teaching five years ago, either the field is dead or you are.
– Noam Chomsky
Navigating complexity is much like surfing. Like the ocean, the contexts we find ourselves in are unstable, dynamic, and always in flux. Even seasoned surfers can still be surprised by unpredictable waves and currents. While this holds potential danger, it also holds opportunity and adventure. The same is true for the contexts we find ourselves in today. Much is unknown or even unknowable, we can't wish away or ‘tame’ the complexity, but we can learn to navigate it, we can learn to surf.
It’s hard to survive in the jungle if you were trained in a zoo
Do you feel stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place? The UFS Business School has scheduled a Complexity Fitness webinar with renowned speakers Sonja Blignaut from MoreBeyond and Casper Oelofsen of Mindful Leadership to equip YOU with the skills and tools you need to take that first step towards managing and even thriving in uncertainty. Attending the webinar is completely free and you are bound to leave feeling ready to tackle change and uncertainty head-on. Don't miss out! The Webinar was held on the 10th November 2021 at 16:00 SASTComplexity Fitness Webinar